.. _dev-env: ================================= Development Environment ================================= The following guide assumes that you are using Microsoft's VSCode editor. Recommended Plugins -------------------- - `ES-Lint `__ - `Prettier `__ - `Python `__ Recommended Settings -------------------- Inside the .vscode/ folder we recommend adding the following settings: .. code:: json { "python.linting.enabled": true, "editor.formatOnSave": true, // This tells Prettier to auto-format .js and .jsx files on save } It is highly recommended to open the VSCode Command Palette (Mac: Shift + CMD + P) and use the ``Python: Select Interpreter`` command to select the python from your conda environment. Documentation Updates --------------------- * To setup environment for updating this documentation, you will need to use the 'gh-pages' branch of vCDAT: :: git clone https://github.com/CDAT/vcdat.git git checkout gh-pages git clean -df #Remove non-related files from repo. * Once you have the gh-pages branch of vCDAT. You can follow the steps shown in the [README.md](https://github.com/CDAT/vcdat/tree/gh-pages) file.